HANDS-FREE Real Estate Investing

The further I get into investing in real estate, the more I discover that most people in general avoid investing in real estate. The question I keep asking myself is: Why??! 

I’m living, breathing, and walking proof that investing in real estate - even in small doses - can have a tremendous positive impact on financial freedom and independence. When I’m asked, I happily share what this focus has been able to provide for my family. Yet, I still see reluctance from many in my world when it comes to executing on real estate investing.

In Toronto, specifically, real estate has had amazing and consistent success. The growing metropolis takes on more net residents each and every year. It’s the largest city in a great, safe and inclusive country. When I analyze supply and demand as an economist does, it’s clear that there’s still every expectation that prices in Toronto real estate will continue to rise. There is no dispute that this is true for the next couple of years.

So why isn’t everyone that is ABLE to invest in an income property in Toronto choosing NOT to do so? I think I finally understand why.

I’m fortunate to speak with people exactly in this position. In my own personal research, more often than not, here’s the reason they don’t make real estate a category in their investment portfolio: They don’t want to be a landlord. It’s not so much about affordability.

Their expectation is that being a real estate investor means they have to agree to becoming a landlord. I think “landlord” somehow morphs into “slumlord” in the mind of the non-investor. And, of course, nobody wants to be thought of as one of those filthy creatures.

Most people choose to ignore the billion (or so) benefits that investing in real estate brings. They won’t consider for a moment what the effect of true passive income could do for themselves and their family. The tax benefits. The passive income. The financial control. And they can’t get past thinking of themselves as a - bleh - landlord.

Well, the problem-solver in me couldn’t live with this realization. I know too many wonderful people that are misinformed and misguided. I couldn’t sit idly by and watch as opportunity passes them by. You don’t want to be a landlord? You don’t have to be.

We created a property management company to be the landlord of your investment property. In exchange for a 5%-of-rent fee, Keep It Managed (that’s the company) deploys a certified property manager to handle your rental property. If you want details on this, send me a note and I’ll happily share more on this. Just know that it exists and “it” is the landlord of your property, so you won’t be.

I’m not going to let these good people - close friends, family, neighbours - throw away their chance for a better life with greater financial rewards because they don’t want to be landlords. I’m determined to make real estate investing accessible. Every challenge is an opportunity for me to create a solution.

I say this all the time, and I think it’s important to mention this here now: real estate as an investment is AMAZING for many reasons, including the fact that as an investor real estate pays you in 3 ways

So, assuming I can take away the burden of being a landlord and still allow you to retain all of the good that comes with owning property in a city that is growing short on it and the massive wealth that is going to be built, are you still going to choose to miss your chance to claim these rewards? 

Our investing plan at Team Mangos CONSERVATIVELY lays out how we expect to DOUBLE your investment dollars in under 5 years with very little (maybe even no) risk. Up to this point, we’ve done it in far less than 5 years (some under a year!). It’s been proven, and it works. And it can be done without you ever having to claim the “landlord” title you’ve been avoiding.

It’s not easy, but it’s simple. We want to explain it to you live and in person. Your first step is send me an email (donny@teammangos.com) to ask for a meeting. The rest is figured out with you and for you.

I think the question you have to ask yourself is this: if you had a chance to invest in real estate in much the same way you invest in other, more traditional investments - and knowing what you now know about the doubling your money without needing to be a landlord - are you still willing to avoid real estate and the amazing benefits it provides?